“Trust and believe – it helps,
it heals the divine power!”

Bruno Groening



(International Webinar)

 in German, English and Russian



  on Tuesday April 16, 2024

  at 19:00/7 pm CET 

(Central European Summer Time)

       – Please follow the link below – please check your right time in your country…





Dear friends of Bruno Groening,


Warmly we invite you to our Global Meditation with friends from all around the world,

conducted by 

Petra Ruether







We humans are spiritual beings and live with our material body in a polarized, material world, which, however, is permeated by the spirit of divine nature. According to Bruno Groening’s statements, humans were originally completely connected to God and lived in a paradisiacal state of consciousness. Bruno Groening referred to God as the greatest source of power, the origin of light and the creator of all life.

Over the millennia, most people have relied more and more on the material values of the outside world and over time have forgotten that they are divine beings – endowed with a divine consciousness, a divine soul that lives in a body. By sliding our consciousness into ever-deeper levels of vibration, we were no longer able to internalize and perceive the divine, which is simply “the Good”. Over time, we have lost contact with our original, natural being and have tried to compensate for this deficiency through purely externally perceptible processes.


Bruno Gröning said: “Often, I have given you to know what my real goal is. I want to lead every person back to faith, because every person is a being of nature, every person is a child of God. We humans have only one Father, and that is our Lord God.”(01.10.1949)


Bruno Gröning described God as an inexhaustible source of power permeated with love and light, from which we humans can draw vital energy for life, but also wisdom and peace, joy and vitality. Man had partially or completely lost the connection to this source of power.

The further a person turns away from God, knowingly or ignorantly, the less life is in his body, so that there was hardly so much life in it that the organs reacted to him as he had to determine it. As a result, he could no longer go through life full of strength. He has lost this source of strength here. In the end he lost the connection to the great source of strength. He was no longer able to absorb the power of God. And so he, his body, became a wreck.” Bruno Gröning


Read more >>  “The Teaching”

“Bruno Groenings’s quote in his own handwriting: 

                                          “To love yourself means to love God. Who loves God, helps people!” 

                                                                                                               Bruno Groening 20.02.56

Who was Bruno Groening?

Bruno Groening (1906 – 1959) first came to the attention of the public as a so-called “spiritual healer” in 1949 on account of spectacular healings. At the high point of his activity, up to 30,000 people a day flocked to his talks, which were open to everyone and which he gave without any notes. After these talks, time after time, seriously ill people reported inexplicable healings. The national and international media carried frequent reports at that time on these successful healings of illnesses that continue to be regarded as incurable, and these healings have not yet been the object of any adequate scientific investigation.

Bruno Groening, a man of deep faith, constantly asserted: “There is nothing that cannot be healed – It is not I who heals; the divine power, it helps, it heals! – God is the greatest physician!”

Today, more than half a century after Groening’s death, the events concerning him continue to be of great interest to the public, and even today the reports of healings that have occurred as a result of following Bruno Groening’s guidance show no sign of stopping. An increasing number of people are showing an interest in well-researched and systematically organised information about the work of Bruno Groening, and in having access to the historical sources that concern it.

During the first years of his public activity, Bruno Groening’s talks and lectures were recorded in shorthand. Later on, from 1955 to 1958, a large number of them were recorded on tape. Apart from some short autobiographical texts, a few letters and several handwritten notes, Bruno Groening did not produce any other written works.


Read more >> “Biography”


Bruno Groening and Jesus Christ

Absolutely straight and very often Bruno Gröning professed himself to Christ. In many of his lectures he talked again and again about Him and His Teachings in highest respect. As a sign he himself wore constantly a crucifix around his neck. He said:
“Wasn’t Christ the greatest example for mankind? (…) He did all what he had to do, all what God told Him. He went where God led him, not people. And He talked all what God did tell Him. (…) It is indeed the Teachings of Christ that you have to take to your heart. (…) Christ handed over so much good to us for our path of life. Why didn’t the people take the good to their hearts, why didn’t they absorb it?” (4th Dec 1958)


A central point of the Teachings of Bruno Gröning is the call to all people to finally follow Christ seriously.

“A real true Christian can only be the one who follows Christ like He expected us to, like His Teachings tell us all about it, my dear friends. And therefore Christ was thirty-three years on this earth (…) to communicate to us everything what God has to say for us, for the whole mankind. Because else the people could not listen to God anymore. (…) He (the human) is in need of being connected to God. (…) And more was not in the intention of Christ; more was not in the intention of God; that is the absolute true, divine teaching, that is the Teaching of Christ how He did it give away to us, how He did give it away to mankind! God-conjointness is everything!” (4th Dec 1958)

Christmas was the most holy event for Bruno Gröning during the year.
“What does this event mean to you (…)? What does the birth of Christ mean to you? (…) Why did God give Christ a life on earth here? (…) What was God’s intention by this and what was Christ supposed to do here? (…) Isn’t there a part in the song ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’ that says that Christ is the Saviour? (…) ‘Christ, the Saviour, is here!’ Yes, my dear friends, you sing it but you do not know it, you do not believe it, you did not take it to your heart! You did never follow all what Christ did hand over to us through His Teachings for our on-going life on earth.” (4th Dec 1958)

And out of belief he said:
“Christ is always amongst the people, He is not dead, there is no death, there is only redemption!” (5th Oct 1958)

The confession of Bruno Gröning to Christ and His Teachings though does not mean that he was dogmatic or intolerant in any way. Never did he claim that only the Christian way leads to God.
Quite the contrary he clarified:
“To me it doesn’t matter at all how man finds God, main thing is that he finds God!” (date unknown)

BACK TO NATURE ! Bruno Groening Quotes:

“Didn’t people let His work here, which He created for us, go to waste?

You didn’t pay any more attention. Nature says nothing more to them; the unnatural, the worldly, that’s all for them. “(05.10.1957)

“The plants and animals absorb the natural, the divine forces, as long as they are not removed from nature by humans.” (handwritten)

“And whoever believes he can withdraw himself from nature, which the LORD GOD has created so beautifully for us humans, should go where he wants. It was believed that one could distinguish himself from the other by turning his back on nature and climbs the levels of culture. There lies the mistake, there lies everything, that is what humans lack: nature! “

“One thing I know is that there is a lot in store for you. (…) But you have to go back the wrong way to receive what is good again. And the further you stray from the good path, the further you have to go go back. “ (03.10.1058)

“I’m only here to tell you the truth, like God has arranged for us, for every human being, everything is so well arranged and that we only have to follow HIM and take in for us what God has determined for us.”

“Of course, Nature is God!”

“Back to nature – away from culture!”

“One thing I know is that there is a lot in store for you. (…) But then you have to go back the wrong way to receive the good again. And the further you have strayed from the good path, the further you have to go back. “(03.10.1058)

“I’m only here to tell you the truth, like God has set up everything so well for us, for every human being, and that we just have to follow HIM and take in for us what God has determined for us.”



A short encounter with Bruno Groening in the woods of Germany. Bruno Gröning loved nature and saw exactly what would happen in the future. Hence the sad expression in his eyes. But he certainly enjoyed the moment and shared it with his friends.


“Back to Nature” was one of his most important quotes….