A – Help-and-Healing Reports

Anal fistula

Healing from a very painful anal fistula

Christine Sch. Herne, GERMANY
April 5, 2021

The year is 2007 and I am 46 years old. At the end of June 2007 I had to take a strong antibiotic prescribed by the dentist for a dental root treatment. After taking it, I got severe diarrhea, which

Lasted 14 days. My whole anus hurt terribly. The pain kept getting worse. No cream helped. I only went to the doctor in mid-September 2007. The doctor couldn’t examine me properly because I was in great pain and said it was an anal fissure. She prescribed a cream for me, which I unfortunately couldn’t tolerate at all. She said that if that didn’t help, only surgery would help. I endured the terrible pain without pain medication until early November 2007. I was terrified of such an operation. At that time I was working part-time in a bank and in the afternoons our youngest daughter, 9 years old, wanted to be looked after. As soon as I got home, I often had to lie down or I just ran tears of pain.

Review: In 2004 I read for the first time something about the phenomenon of Browning in the book “Recognize the signs of your body” by the naturopath and bio-author Hans-Dieter Bach, which I had borrowed from the library . I saw the picture of B r u n o G r ö n i n g in the book and thought I knew him, but where from? I couldn’t think of it, but looked at this picture for a long time. The next day I wanted to buy a book by B r u n o G r ö n i n g and went to a bookstore because in 2004 I didn’t have internet access. Unfortunately, the seller couldn’t find a book by B r u n o G r ö n i n g. I didn’t investigate any further.

Lina, our youngest daughter, was 6 years old and suffered from chronic otitis media. So I often borrowed natural healing books from the library.

Our pediatrician, who also practiced Chinese medicine, saw a connection with a milk intolerance. We skipped the milk and have never had an ear infection since then. But Lina missed the chocolate and especially the ice cream. One evening I put her to bed and all of a sudden I had such a thought that I knew why she was suffering from it. When Lina was 6 weeks old, I developed a breast infection and had to wean her. That was when the whole disaster began.

I told her about it and that I had once heard from the dermatologist that you can make warts go away by discussing them. Then I got even more thoughts. I told her, look for one of your cuddly toys and we will give it this milk allergy, then you will be rid of it and the cuddly toy will not eat ice cream and chocolate anyway. From then on we did it every night, we gave this allergy to the cuddly toy. Lina believed in everything and got rid of this milk allergy within three months.

But now back to me:

At the beginning of September 2007, I was in particularly bad pain in the car to drive to work. The tears ran down from the pain and I asked from the bottom of my heart: “Dear GOD please help me.”

Two weeks later, when I came home, I had a flyer in my mailbox introducing the teaching of B r u n o G r ö n i n g “Healing on the Spiritual Path”. I immediately recognized the picture of B r u n o G rö n i n g and underneath it read: “There is no such thing as incurable.” That couldn’t be a coincidence. Somehow I knew that I would get well there, you mustn’t miss that. I only thought of the day of the introduction. On October 10th, 2007 I finally sat with about 70 other interested people in the Parkhotel in Herne and looked at the large picture of B r u n o G r ö n i n g. What I heard there was like a revelation to me. Surrender everything, do not hold onto your illness, part with everything that is bad … Didn’t Lina prove to me 3 years ago that you can surrender everything. She was healthy and free from her ills and still is today in 2021. Finally someone said that you can really hand over everything. So Lina and I did everything right.

Of all those who were interested, I was the only one left for Herne and from then on went to the community hour of the Freundeskreis in Bochum every 3 weeks.

At the beginning of November 2007 I discovered in a homeopathic book, I am firmly convinced that B r u n o G rö n i n g has guided me from there, an ointment, the good wound ointment calendula. I got this and the pain in the anus subsided more and more from the day after. In November 2007 I watched the documentary “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning” twice. I hoped to get the healing through this.

From December 2007 I took over the book table in the Freundeskreis in Bochum. The pain was almost gone by now. Nevertheless, I had another doctor examine me again. An anal fistula could now be clearly identified, the fistula duct was clearly visible. I was told that only surgery could help. I got an appointment for February 2008. My family doctor, who also practices natural healing, tried to treat the fistula with leukase cones for better wound healing. She tried laser acupuncture and a magnetic mat. The pain had meanwhile completely disappeared, but the anal fistula simply did not heal. Nevertheless, at the beginning of January 2008 I canceled the appointment.

I went to another specialist who gave me another ointment with the remark: “If this ointment doesn’t help, only the operation remains.” The ointment only burned and didn’t help at all.

At the beginning of February I didn’t want to see a doctor anymore. I was doing well and had meanwhile heard and read so much about B r u n o G rö n i n g that I firmly believed in a cure. I no longer looked at this anal fistula, showered the anal area twice a day with warm water.

We were now connected to the Internet and I found everyone else

B r u n o G r ö n i n g clubs there. I ordered all the CD’s with the original voice that I could get and listened to them every quiet minute.

Our community leader in Bochum always had a small original ball from

B r u n o G rö n i n g in hand and I often thought that if I could just touch this ball for a moment, I would be healed immediately. But I didn’t dare to ask her.

At the end of February 2008 I suddenly noticed that all the plantar warts that had accompanied me under the sole of the left foot for 5 years had suddenly disappeared. Now I really believed in my healing.

I only looked at the anal fistula again in June 2008. This fistula was almost invisible. I consciously said this fistula and not mine, since this burden should not belong to me. I was overjoyed.

During this time my husband once said to me: “You have changed for the better. You’re not in a bad mood anymore. ”I hadn’t even noticed that myself. But he was right, my soul was healed and at the beginning of September 2008 the anal fistula was also completely gone. I am healed and happy to this day.

I thank GOD, JESUS ​​and B r u n o G rö n i n g with all my heart for this wonderful spiritual and physical healing.

Today I know that I recognized B r u n o G r ö n i n g in the book with my heart. Just as we will all recognize each other in the hereafter and can continue to work there together.

Christine Sch.

Ankle healing

Jamie Littley
Bruno Groning’s friends – Illawarra
AUSTRALIA, March 2015

During my school days I played soccer and rugby league, and on weekends I also played in competitions. Later in my sports career, I sprained both ankles.
When I left school I was doing a job as a roof plumber, a few years later I fell through a roof and injured my right ankle – this damage was in addition to the sprain I had previously suffered.
Years later, both ankles started to get worse, sometimes swelling, and I was in excruciating pain for a few days until the pain subsided two days later.

At the end of February 2014, my wife and I attended an introduction to the teachings of Bruno Groning and began regularly to adjust to the Heilstrom.

In February 2015, my wife and I decided to get up in the morning and go for a walk in order to lose some weight after the Christmas break. I was fine for the first four days, then the pain and swelling came back worse than before. My wife said to me: why don’t you go to the doctor? But I refused to say that I wouldn’t see a doctor if I didn’t have to. Instead, I tuned in to the healing energy for my ankles for a few days. During this time I was in tremendous pain while I slept; suddenly the pain and swelling disappeared and since then I have been able to run and exercise more, which has helped me lose weight.

I thank God and Bruno Groning for this healing.

Loss of appetite

Margret Kasinowicz, GERMANY, success report from the online community,

given by post to Petra R. in 2020

07/15/2018 during an online lesson:

Dear Ms. Rüther,

As discussed, I tell you about a very nice help after your OM last Wednesday, which I attended for the first time.

I have barely been able to eat anything for months. I suffered from loss of appetite and other stresses. So on Wednesday evening I took part in your OM and during that time I had hardly any electricity or other special perceptions.

I am often present at other Bruno Gröning Community Hours and I adjust myself every day.

That evening I had prepared a meal for myself, but I had hardly touched it.

I kept having the overwhelming feeling of having to eat something in order not to lose any more weight. But suddenly I “heard” someone saying to me, “You don’t have to eat now. That’ll be fine. Just leave it if you don’t want to.”

After the OM, I began to eat one portion with appetite.

The next morning I experienced some very brief moments of happiness and moments full of confidence that my requests will now be heard.

That day I cooked myself a meal in the afternoon that I actually ate completely – divided into three servings – towards evening. After the first serving, my heart started beating very strongly and quickly throughout my body, which unsettled me, but it calmed down again.

From then on, I prepared meals every day and ate them with appetite.

I am very grateful for this and bring it in connection with the OM on Wednesday evening, that is, with the Heilstrom that I have absorbed.

Thank you for the lesson and for the wonderful contributions.

All love and good,

Your Margret K.

Official healing report Margret K.

Dear Petra,

had promised to write you of a great help. Hesitated for fear of rushing to do so.

In 2018 I wasn’t feeling well: dizziness and no appetite, cystitis, psychological wounds and a lot of fear – that’s how I would put it briefly. I went to a doctor I didn’t know and when he saw my weight, he scared me even more. He wanted to send me straight to the hospital for all kinds of reflections and other examinations. I wasn’t able to do that at all. Thank goodness my husband was at home to calm me down. “Eat if and what you want and everything will be fine. Don’t force yourself to do anything. You don’t let anything mirror …” he said. (He knows me very well and did exactly the right thing.) And I was very grateful to him. The next time wasn’t easy for me. There were days when I couldn’t eat anything – nothing at all. (I weighed 46 kg and was 1.69m tall – my normal weight was 56 kg) I cried for that. A friend pointed out your OMs to me, which I attended right away. And after one of these OMs I was able to eat – a whole warm meal. I told you about that soon. I didn’t weigh myself anymore. After the OMs and community hours I was able to eat, but not again the next day. There were normal to good days too. I adjusted a lot. That was all in spring / summer 2018.

I wish that I could at least get back to 50 kg. That seemed very difficult to me. I bought two pairs of pants as all the others were way too big and only wore these ones alternately.

I’m taking a big leap now.

Sometime in autumn 2019, I dared to weigh myself because I ate with a good appetite. And I could hardly believe my eyes: 52.4 kg. My joy was great.

Meanwhile I’m at 54.6 (with shoes 😉 I’m grateful to God the Father and Bruno, very grateful for this help and I thank you for the beautiful OMs. And I received even more help, which I will report on elsewhere.

I would love to share this valuable and wonderful help with my friends. Maybe you pass them on. Today is an OM. An English one, however! 🙂

Greetings from Düsseldorf

Your Margret K.


Healing from my daughter’s asthma attacks in connection with the BG Photo:
Chi Chen (Jack) Y., TAIWAN


My 3 year old daughter caught colds many times last year. Myself and my wife had to take good care of her when she caught a cold, as the common cold would lead to asthma attacks. If it really happened, all we could do was take her to the doctor and the doctor would give her steroid. When I knew that the picture of Bruno Gröning had energy, I always put it near my chest or on my back when I fell asleep. It’s so magical that she almost never got a cold from then on.

Even if she sometimes coughs and seems to catch cold, I put the photo on her body. There was no cough the next day. So it’s not just a psychological effect. There is real healing in my family.

If you really want to try the photo, just think of something. (1) open your heart (2) ask Bruno for help (3) let Bruno do the work (4) be patient. Good luck and love!


Cure: from various allergies
M.C., Offenbach

In the early 1980s I got a rash from cleaning products. My hands were red and covered with pustules. In 1982 there was also hay fever, very severe with sneezing attacks, coughing and shortness of breath. House dust, wool, fragrances, pesticides, especially sprays on fruit and vegetables, have also caused very thick wheals all over the body. I developed a dark red rash with a burning sensation from touching strawberry leaves, which then burst and bleed. I had attacks of suffocation from various kinds of nuts and peanuts, including chocolate. From then on I had allergic reactions to many foods, such as nausea, shortness of breath, itching, burning of the skin, swollen airways, the eyes swollen up with a thick secretion, total exhaustion. By way of too many different treatment methods, I also got drug allergies, including painkillers. When I had an allergy attack, I was pumped full with high-dose cortisone syringes. Over time it got so bad that I developed severe bronchial asthma, the doctors even referred to it as pulmonary asthma. So I had to take medication, mostly high-dose cortisone, all year round. It got worse every year.

I was desperate, bitter and also felt abandoned by God. So I turned away from God and my faith completely. I was just bitter.

I had also started looking for alternative therapies: autologous blood treatments, homeopathy, therapeutic fasting, acupuncture, and even neural therapy for pain relief. It just got some relief. Doctors said the disease was incurable and that only symptomatic treatment was possible. This is how I tortured my way through life: FOR TWENTY YEARS!

In 1999 my family was also hit by a severe stroke of fate. Through this great stress I had become so physically and mentally ill that I no longer had any hope, nor the strength to live, and only had the worst in mind.

At work you could see how bad I was, and a dear colleague recommended electro-laser acupuncture to me; There is a doctor in Wiesbaden who might be able to help me. And again and again she said to me: “I pray for you!” – But I didn’t want to know anything about God. Then I went back to the allergy test and it was said: everything has gotten much worse. So I went to Wiesbaden for laser acupuncture.

The reports from doctors, allergists, lung specialists, internists and my family doctor were endlessly long. The doctor in Wiesebaden was horrified at how seriously ill I was and said that it would take a long time to get better, but he also cannot promise a cure. That was in the middle of February 2000, from then on I constantly drove to Wiesbaden for laser acupuncture. The doctor always said: “Oh, the device screams” when he tested the lung points and cortisone, “if cortisone has been deposited in the body for 20 years, that will be difficult.”

The same dear colleague invited me for a walk on Saturday (March 25th, 2000) and had books with me for me. She showed me a little blue booklet with the title “Spiritual healing – medically provable” (an enlightening text from the medical-scientific specialist group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends). She said: “The next introduction is on April 9th, 2000 at 1:00 pm. Read if you want. “Otherwise there was no comment from her, not even a word about Bruno Gröning, only again:” I pray for you. “

In the evening I read through everything and wrote April 9th ​​in bold in the calendar. I couldn’t wait for April 9th ​​to come. When the time came and entered the event room, I saw beautiful pictures of nature. In the middle on the table is a picture of Bruno Groening. The manager asked me if I was registered and if I knew what this was about. All of my answers were: “No.” “Good, take a seat in the front row.” Then came many women and men, then silence and soft music. The community leader said: “Please open your hands, mentally ‘hand over’ all illnesses, worries and griefs to Bruno Groening, give everything to him, think of something beautiful, then wish that we are healthy again.” We are also allowed to serve other people ask. Then everyone present should watch their body. I did it with all my heart and prayed fervently for healing. Then I only know that the leader said the words now and then that seemed impossible to me. But she said: “For GOD there is no” impossible “, no” incurable “and” trust and believe, it helps, it heals the divine power. “

My body, my heart, my soul were full of pain. My head was about to burst, as if an iron bar was going through it. All the pain were huge, it felt dark and I felt sick. Then I heard that one should part with all bad things, one should also forgive. Then I got really sick; I thought I couldn’t get through this! Forgive ?!, ME?!, How ?! People did so much harm to my family that I no longer believed in God! And now should I believe ?! Pardon?! Then there was the pain all over my body, I had a crying spasm, could barely breathe; I was miserable. When we came to “recruiting”, the leader said at some point: “Now we also pray for the people who were not always good with us.” A deep wish seized me and I prayed that all of these people would never see someone again do something bad! I looked at the picture of Bruno Groening and said thank you very heartily and asked God-Father to forgive me. I was very dazed and thought I had survived the introduction; now i stay for the community hour, where the time passed much more calmly and painlessly.

The next few days were much quieter. I was very tired. Fortunately, I had a few days off; I just wanted to rest.

My acupuncture doctor had been showing up elsewhere for the whole month of April, so I had no treatment during that time. So it happened that on the third day in the morning I started sneezing. It was a very warm morning, I sneezed and sneezed, but I stayed calm. No panic attacks, no shortness of breath, no suffocating coughing fit! I sat and sneezed like I was sneezing for pleasure and I felt really good about it. Suddenly the word “regulations” came into my head. Dear God, I am HEALTHY. I am HEALED! God has forgiven ME! THANKS!!! I was filled with gratitude in my heart that I cannot put into words. I took the picture of Bruno Groening and said THANK YOU to him too. The greatest of all is that I have found my faith in our Lord God again.

On May 8th I went to the acupuncture doctor to hear what he was saying; to get confirmation that I am healthy. He was very astonished that he no longer found any signs of agonizing allergies in me. “Are you all right? – You are beaming. What did you do, how is it possible ?! ”My answer was:“ I believed that I would get well. ”Then he connected the device and looked for allergy points that had previously“ screamed ”so loudly. The lungs, bronchi, eyes, internal organs – but the device remained silent. He was taken aback, switched the device off, then on again, tried it on himself – but the device was fine. He started all over again: lungs = nothing, bronchi = nothing; Almost desperate, he goes to the cortisone point and says: “Twenty years of cortisone!” And the device stayed silent! After 20 minutes of searching, he gave up, looked at me: “INCREDIBLE!” He whispered. “You are very healthy!”

That was exactly one month after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Groening. God gave me a new life. I am healthy to this day; and regularly visit the independent communities of Darmstadt and Wiesbaden. Today on November 16, 2007 I am writing it down with gratitude in my heart, for which there are hardly any words. I thank our Lord God for his limitless love, and that I was able to experience in my own body and soul that GOD forgives, that for GOD there is no INCURABLE and no IMPOSSIBLE.

Bruno Gröning came to this earth for all of humanity, so that we can find again to God, to faith, through his teaching, which is the teaching of Christ. THANKS.

Animal Healings

Maria Nuria Segura
Februar 2013.

Heilung von Simba, meinem Hund
von einer blockierten und infizierten Analdrüse

Vor ungefähr zwei Jahren begann mein jetzt 10 Jahre alter Hund Simba, seinen Hintern über den Boden zu schleifen. Das passierte oft und ich dachte zuerst, er hätte Würmer, aber da er alle drei Monate ein Anti-Wurm-Präparat einnahm, beschloss ich, ihn zum Tierarzt zu bringen.

Nach einer Untersuchung wurde mir gesagt, dass das Problem nichts mit Würmern zu tun habe, sondern mit seiner Analdrüse und ich solle abwarten, wie es weitergeht.

Ich behielt Simba im Auge und sah, dass er immer noch seinen Hintern schleppte, aber er aß gut und war ansonsten gesund, das ging bis vor kurzem so weiter.

Vor 10 Tagen begann er auch anal zu bluten und ich brachte ihn zu einem anderen Tierarzt, der die frühe Diagnose bestätigte, die darauf hindeutete, dass zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine Operation erforderlich war, da die Blutung dazu führte, dass seine Analdrüse blockiert und infiziert war und entfernt werden musste.

Ich war etwas knapp bei Kasse, aber der Gedanke, dass mein Hund leidet, veranlasste mich, einen Vorschuss auf meine Rentenzahlungen in der erforderlichen Höhe zu bekommen.

Am Dienstag, 15. Januar, buchte ich meinen Hund für die Operation, die am darauffolgenden Freitag stattfinden sollte.

Seit meiner Einführung in die Lehre Bruno Grönings im Jahr 2009 stelle ich regelmäßig und abends ein, sobald ich mich für den Heilstrom positioniere, kommen meine drei Haustiere regelmäßig wie ein Uhrwerk in meine Nähe und in dieser Nacht habe ich mich eingeschaltet für uns 3 wie immer, fragte Bruno Groning extra nach Simba und sagte meinem Hund, dass Bruno ihm helfen würde.

Als ich am Freitag, den 18. Januar, in der Tierklinik ankam. Die Tierärztin führte eine Voruntersuchung durch, bevor Simba für die Operation zugelassen wurde, und nachdem sie den Bereich überprüft und erneut untersucht hatte, sagte sie, dass die Drüse wieder normal war und eine Operation nicht mehr erforderlich war.

Der Tierarzt war von diesem Ergebnis verwirrt und ich war erstaunt, dass alles kurz vor der Operation verschwunden war. Ich nahm meinen Hund mit nach Hause und fühlte mich wirklich glücklich, weil ich sehr gut wusste, woher die Hilfe kam.

Mein Freund Bruno hat meinem geliebten Haustier geholfen und auch meine Finanzen geschützt.

Von ganzem Herzen danke ich Gott und Bruno Gröning für diese Heilung.

Nell Haberman, USA

Heilung einer gelähmten Taube:

Guten Tag Petra,
Ich bin Ihnen so dankbar, dass Sie diese Webseite haben. Von dieser Webseite bekam mein Mann seine Heilung, auch “Dove”, der Vogel, der geboren wurde und nicht laufen konnte, nachdem er Brunos Stimme von Ihrer Webseite gehört hatte, während er mit ihr in meinem Schoß in der Einstellung für sie saß, wurde sie geheilt und fing an zu gehen .

Sie wurde an einem Tag geheilt, sie begann am nächsten Tag zum ersten Mal zu laufen. 2 Jahre vergingen nach der Heilung meines Mannes und 1 Jahr nach dem Tag, an dem die Taube geheilt wurde. Sie verstehen also, wie   mein Mann und ich sind sehr dankbar, dass Sie da sind und dies tun.

Heilung zweier gelähmten Meerschweinchen

Petra Ruether, 1990, GERMANY

Wenn Meerschweinchen Bambus fressen | Tierwelt

1990, 5 Jahre nach meiner eigenen Heilung, erlebte ich an den Meerschweinchen meiner Kinder folgendes Wunder:
Wir haben die beiden Tiere aus einer Zoohandlung geholt und nach ein paar Tagen festgestellt, dass sie seltsam ruhig in der Ecke saßen und sich kaum bewegten und nicht fraßen. Wir stellten fest, dass ihre Hinterbeine vollständig gelähmt waren und auch ihr Stuhlgang beeinträchtigt war. Sie aßen kaum und sahen erbärmlich aus, mit struppigem Fell und trüben Augen. Also rief ich den Tierarzt an. Er seufzte nur und meinte, es handele sich offenbar um eine bekannte Infektionskrankheit, genannt “Meerschweinchenlähmung”, die sich die Tiere wahrscheinlich schon in der Zoohandlung durch infizierte Tiere eingefangen hätten. Dagegen konnte man nichts machen, außer die Tiere einschläfern zu lassen, da sie sich nur unnötig quälten und dann elendig starben.

Ich war schockiert und beschloss sofort, diese Diagnose nicht anzunehmen. Meine Kinder hörten dem Gespräch mit dem Arzt zu und wimmerten verzweifelt herum. Also setzten wir uns zusammen und stellten uns ein (beteten) für die Tiere, baten Gott inbrünstig um das Leben der beiden Tiere und baten Bruno Gröning um Hilfe.

Dann kam mir die Idee, ein großes Foto von Bruno Gröning auf den Boden des Käfigs zu legen und die Tiere darauf zu setzen.
Gedacht – getan! Die Kinder waren Feuer und Flamme und glaubten fest an die Heilung für die Tiere. An diesem Abend gab es noch eine Gemeinschaftsstunde in der Nachbarschaft und ich beschloss, den großen Käfig ins Auto zu schleppen und mitzunehmen. So bekamen die Tiere den Heilstrom aus der Stunde und alle Freunde machten mit.

Am nächsten Morgen kamen die Kinder freudestrahlend an mein Bett und sagten, die Meerschweinchen könnten wieder laufen und seien vollkommen gesund. Als ich in den Käfig schaute, war das Bild von Bruno Gröning auf dem Boden fast komplett aufgefressen und es waren nur noch ein paar kleine Schnipsel übrig. Wir waren überglücklich über diese wunderbare Heilung und meine Kinder hatten noch einige Jahre viel Spaß mit den Tieren. DANKE GOTT, DANKE BRUNO!