D – Help and healing reports

Drug Addiction (Heroin-and other drugs)

Petra Ruether, GERMANY
October 1985
I started to smoke Hashish and Marijuana at the age of 15. Later I experimented with everything else theat was available /pills and trips) and, after about a year, I started to inject heroin. Soon all my time was devoted to acquiring the drugs. In 1976 I was in hospital for three month  with jaundice (Serum-hepatitis B) and very often had pressure in my right upper stomach and was continally tired. As soon as I was discharged I began injecting myself again. By 1977 I only weighed 48 kg and made up my mind to stop. Twice 
I underwent long term therapies, but each time I broke away before the treatment was completed and by 1979 I had relapsed again. In 1983 I switched to Hashish and Captagon, a strong stimulant, taking Heroin only when I had plenty of money. I could not stand life without any drugs and had depressions. Life seemed hopeless and without joy, always without money…
I joined Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends in October 1985. Two month later I experienced the healing energy very intensely during hearing to a tape with Bruno Grönings original voice. Next day started an intensive general cleansing with vomiting, diarrhoea, aching limbs, pressure in the area of my liver, tiredness and depressions.
3 days later I was better and full of the joy of life. I never injected Heroin again, never took Captagon or other tablets since then. All afflictions and discomforts have disappeared. 1987 it was established that my liver values were completely in order. I have never touched drugs again. I completed a vocational training in the profession of Management Assistant in Office Communication and worked regularly until 2008 in a public office in Germany.
A great THANKYOU to Bruno Gröning but also to my beloved teacher Mrs. Grete Häusler, who cared for me during a time of doubts and who never lost hope to get through with her strong faith.
May this Lady be honoured by me in this way .

Diverticular perforation healing (Help for my stepmother)

O.H. Community of Hamburg, GERMAN

My stepmother was admitted to hospital on a Friday in Italy due to severe abdominal pain.

The examinations revealed that she probably had a perforation in the intestine (perforation of the intestine).

I started to tune in for her. There were also other friends joining me.

My stepmother was given antibiotics and artificial nutrition. Her condition improved over the weekend and she was able to leave the hospital on Tuesday.

Since my stepmother with her knowledge of Italian did not understand everything in the hospital, a German-speaking doctor later explained to her that she had a diverticular perforation, which leads to death in 90% of cases. With her, the perforation had closed again by itself!

I thank God, and I am grateful to Bruno Gröning and everyone who stood up for my stepmother!