


In the course of the last 10 years, independent communities have formed in Germany and around the world, that do not want to be affiliated with any organization. We would like to meet each other in mutual acceptance and live and implement the teachings of Bruno Groening in love and peace.

The following communities have given us permission to list them here by name, telephone number or email address.

All communities act in complete freedom and responsibility.

We are happy to expand this list. You can have yourself added to the list or deleted again at any time.

In the independent Bruno Groening communities, no diagnosis, examination, therapy or any other medicine is practiced in the legally defined sense. Medicines are neither recommended, prescribed, nor administered. Likewise, a person seeking help is not advised not to visit a doctor and take prescribed medication, or to undergo any therapy or surgery. The freedom of will of the person seeking help remains unaffected.

Each community works independently and on a voluntary basis in their free time. Each group finances itself exclusively on the basis of voluntary donations. There are no financial or legal ties. Visiting the communities is free. According to Bruno Groening, every healing is an act of grace from God. Therefore, no healing promises are made here.


If you need contact please write to Petra:

or please fill out the form below:


Gemeinschaft Coburg/ Suhl/ Zella Mehlis

  • Kerstin Rossmann, Tel. 0176/38749877
  • E-Mail:


Gemeinschaft Düsseldorf

  • Jirinka Grundmann, Tel.: 0178-142 28 12
  • E-Mail:

Gemeinschaft Elsdorf-Esch

  • Doris Boekers, 02274-81158
  • E-Mail:


Gemeinschaft Hamburg

  • Oliver Hugk, Tel:040-42907155


Gemeinschaft Haßfurt

  • Christine Roeder, Tel.: 09521-1356
  • E-Mail:


Gemeinschaft Kassel/Holzhausen

  • Peter und Petra Rüther, Tel. 05673-9957740 
  • E-Mail:

Gemeinschaft Kassel:

  • Almut Resoma, 0561/777726,
  • E.Mail:

Gemeinschaft Petershagen

  • Rainer Langanki. Tel.: 033439-127700


Gemeinschaft Stade und Rendsburg

  • Gisela Laurus, Tel. 04144-1608   
  • Email  


Gemeinschaft Vellmar

  • Gundolf Wehr, Tel. 0561-828381
  • E-Mail: