Success Reports of help in life and matter


Healing Tokens…  

Experiences with the photo of Bruno Gröning
Article by Jack Dempsey, U.K. 
Whilst innumerable healings have been attributed to holy places like Lourdes in France – and ancient wells like the one near to Holywell, in North Wales, I think very few people have ever considered that a picture or a photograph, might have helpful or healing properties… When I first visited that ‘Holy Well’ in North Wales, I saw hundreds of crutches left beside the swimming pool that the well waters now flow into. These crutches were abandoned by pilgrims who no longer needed them after visiting the healing waters. The mass of crutches provides a startling tribute and testimony to the power of the well waters! … But how on earth might a photograph help anyone, I wondered? … Sometimes, it seems that photographs may indeed spur help, healing or recovery, I discovered…

A vast number of healings have been attributed to photographs of Bruno Groening (1906 – 1959), who lived in Germany and who became known as ‘the miracle healer’ during his lifetime. These contemporary healings are independently checked and documented, before being recorded in a large archive, maintained by interested physicians, vets and therapists..   I don’t think that a photograph can actually cause a healing but perhaps it provides a connection from the seeker to the energy from that great healer, who promised he would continue his healing efforts from the next life, if he was able to…Since the healings have continued right up to the present day, it appears that Bruno has been successful in this… 

Spontaneous healings often occur today when people consciously absorb the ‘healing current’ – the divine healing energy – in the way that Bruno Gröning recommended. This is an easy way to boost our own vitality and immunity at home, using the simple self-healing technique that he left us. Healings are also seen to occur through proximity to Bruno’s pictures. A Berlin physician who became very interested in the phenomenon, Dr. S. Grabowski, tested the photographs by dowsing and satisfied himself of the superlative power of Bruno pictures as healing tokens or aids They produced results and showed a power that eclipsed even the strongest of sacred springs or wells, he noted. I was fascinated to read Dr Grabowski’s writings about his experiments on this topic.*  “Die Schwingungen eines Bruno Groening Bildes” in German, by Dr. Siegfried Grabowsky, Berlin, Raum & Zeit 6/9/94  
Intrigued, I determined to try the photographs myself, to see what help or assistance I might be able to receive.  One morning, I had a severe cramp in my calf muscle. I quickly placed a suitable picture of Bruno on to the leg and felt the muscle relax instantly, as if by magic. However, an hour later, another cramp developed in my leg, so I responded in exactly the same way and held a picture on to the site. This time, there was no result for a long ten seconds or so, but then the fierce pain vanished in a moment – and did not return… Grateful, and charmed by these welcome small successes, I started keeping a photograph of Bruno close to me, in a breast pocket of my shirt… 



I recently bought a laminating machine, and tried it on some photos. These laminated photos, I realised, might be suitable for helping burdened people in a very simple way. The clear lamination plastic film is impervious to water, and even to ink…  Hence, I realised that I can write the name of any burdened friend on to the ‘Brunograph’, (my invented name) to reverently request assistance for their needs. I find the indelible felt – tip ‘permanent marker’ pens are ideal for this. When this friend is relieved or the process seems completed, you can easily rub the writing off the plastic, using a tissue moistened with alcohol e.g. – leaving it clean, fresh, and ready to use again. Nail-varnish remover could also be used to clean the ink away  For extra power, I carefully glued two pictures of Bruno together, back to back, before covering and strengthening them with the clear plastic film that makes them so waterproof and scratch-resistant. I became quite pleased with these double – sided photographic tokens and started to carry one or two with me.  By this means I keep the healing energy of the ‘Brunograph’ with me at all times. 
I also tested these laminated photos as Dr.Grabowsky did, by handing one to a sensitive person for their comments and perceptions, without telling the tester anything about the picture. In fact, I tested in a darkened area, so the images could not even be seen. My tester immediately cried out in alarm “It’s red hot! – where have you had it ?” … then after a minute or two, she said ‘ Mmmm.. It’s vibrating !!’ Then she went very quiet and spent a long time just holding the picture reverently, eventually saying, “It’s very nice, I don’t  want to give it back to you ”, twice! I was pleased to let her keep the picture that she was evidently enjoying. 


I have given many of the laminated pictures to friends to help them with their projects and with their problems. I notice that assistance – practical help – will often come about – as may relief from our bodily woes, especially if we sincerely ask for that help. Curious though it sounds, I have read, eg. of  badly contaminated carpets being refreshed by the photos, of tasks being aided, of books being balanced, of contracts gained, and even of plants, trees, pets and people being healed, relieved and assisted, according to their needs – all by means of the magical Bruno photographs…. 
The other day, a friend told me how much better his aching foot was after an overnight treatment by photograph, and more importantly, how much improved is his treatment at work since he now carries his picture-token, and briefly prays, requesting fair and decent treatment in the workplace. Another friend’s insomnia ended on the first night that she kept a Bruno photograph under her pillow, she told me. Yet another sufferer, plagued for years with night terrors gained peaceful sleep by placing several of the pictures underneath his mattress. I have started to feel that this photographic help from Bruno Groening’s healing energy is a giant step beyond penicillin, in it’s usefulness, harmlessness and helpfulness…Indeed, it is a free and simple boon that all of humanity could know about and benefit from! I have merely used some modern materials to distribute some of the assistance provided by the saintly benefactor, Bruno, who left us these photographic ‘relics’ that seem to be so full of power….  


Soon I wondered what else I might invent; how else I might make use of – and accept – his extraordinary kindness….. Something led me to start thinking about Digital Photo Frames….I had been given one of these as a present. It displays digital photographs in a slideshow  sequence, with intervals that can be varied, with changeable display times and with various transitions .. I wondered about loading a number of Bruno images into my picture – frame, and letting it run. How might it go? 
 I loaded some photos in, and tried running my picture-frame for a whole night. We are told that we should sleep in a well-darkened room to have the best quality of rest. However, I decided to run my picture-frame, like a night-light, at my bedside whilst the pictures displayed in rotation during my hours of sleep. By having the frame near to me, my face is repeatedly bathed in projected images of Bruno, which are beamed over me by the LED backlight. As the pictures changed, so I was gently exposed to many hundreds of the healing images during a single night of rest. They slowly drifted over me in the dimly-lit bedroom like the shadows of clouds passing over the fields and hillsides – yet in the morning I felt well and rested.  I wondered if this might help, eg. someone with a health issue. It occurred to me that it might be helpful to a child or even to an animal needing some assistance. Watching the endless display of brightly-lit images, I also realised that I could very easily paste any person’s photograph onto the screen so that their photo might receive the repeating stimulus, instead  … I also think this active photo-frame type of slideshow might even be useful during the daylight hours to keep near to an invalid, whether they are lying down or sitting. I believe that there may be further discoveries yet to be made about this and other methods of displaying and projecting the healing images. A prayerful attitude seems to me to be the appropriate, and respectful way to approach the use of these fantastic healing photographs. We are requesting help. We may not demand anything, Bruno reminded us, and nor should we be rigid or dogmatic about how help or healing might come about…but be grateful to the One who, Bruno reminds us. is the source of all healing. 
No human can do the things you see here – he said – only God is able to do these things…                    
 I had previously started another little project using the photographs to try to help some distant friends who were suffering various burdens, but in a different, simpler way… I have been keeping some printed Bruno pictures inside a standard photo album, which displays 3 postcard-sized photos, landscape-oriented, on each page. I started to slide postcard-sized photos of burdened friends into the album as well… I put a Bruno picture behind each ‘patient’ inside the album that I came to think of as my little ‘hospital’. I also arranged for each patient to be directly facing a powerful Bruno image. In this way each ‘patient’ becomes sandwiched between two good, healing pictures, both linking the patient to the healer and both emitting powerful energies. When the album is closed, the 3 images are pressed close together, in a simple ‘sandwich’. The entire album has  many powerful photos inside, and is ‘steeped in’ my prayers for help and healing, and – as I like to think – has probably become a little shrine of healing energy in itself. The Bruno images emit – as Dr Grabowski found – several different healing wavelengths. He was even able to demonstrate that some of the energies are already well-known and named frequencies. In my ’hospital’ a photograph of the patient, a direct and potent link to the living person, is placed in contact with the divine healing energy that most Bruno pictures emit. I don’t yet know if this treatment has actually assisted any of my patients – it is an experiment and a continuing ‘work in progress’, but, at least I know that they will neither be harmed nor inconvenienced in any way by this simple healing effort.    
A note on photographic images ….     
It seems that a photograph retains a ‘flavour’ of the state of being of the subject – at the time when the photo is taken. For that reason I use photographs of Bruno taken at the peak of his healing abilities… I avoid using any photos taken when he was being troubled by the police or during procedures with lawyers, or in court, etc. These setbacks were a sad feature of the life of a saintly man who freely gave endless help and healing to countless burdened people, and who was, in return, banned, vilified and persecuted for his kindness. I also ensured that images are not kept in any place or pocket near to or containing money, as he has commented on the negative energies surrounding and emitted by money.     

Bruno had a swollen throat condition that seemed to resemble a‘goitre’. His neck became enlarged and reddened when he performed major healing works, and yet he always said that he felt very well, and even felt most energised while his neck was enlarged. The swollenneck glands are a special adaptation, a well-known feature of some healers gifted with immense powers, a fact understood by people in some parts of this globe. His voice passed across the vastly enlarged glands as he spoke, effecting many healings in his audience – and so it happened that headlines appeared in the newspapers about the man whose ‘voice banishes illness

While Bruno said – “The divine power and God’s help are always available to every person who trusts and has faith”  :     

 “ Trust and Have Faith – The Divine Power Helps and Heals  –  

                                                         Bruno Groening   

Bruno stated that all illness is curable – but that not all people can be helped… for various reasons. We need to be receptive, optimistic, grateful and free of malice – to gain the most benefit from this ‘divine’ healing… Sometimes these conditions may not quite be met and …then, various blocks to healing might remain in place. The blocks can be removed, but some conscious reform of our thoughts, our habits and our feelings would be needed. Notions that illness might just be ‘random’ or even be sent by God are unhelpful to us! Often there may be an unwillingness to release an illness – but it is essential togive it up, to give it no further thoughtto release it, not to retain it, never to feel that we ‘own’any illness. 


It will also greatly help us if we learn the technique for absorbing the energy, at a proper ‘Introduction’ so that we can ‘tune-in’ to the healing energy for ourselves – each and every day, whether we are at home or in a group. Bruno said that ‘the divine energy is always around you… All you need is to know how to “tune in” to it. So just take the good power for yourself, whenever you have any need of it,    
Illness does not belong to humans, and should be rejected, said Bruno. 
He was also very clear about the cause of most illness – being certain types of energies – that he would always strive to banish and remove.                                                                                                                       We may speak or think about OUR arthritis or OUR rheumatism, to our severe detriment – because if we think, strongly believe and even say that we own an illness, then it may become our approved resident lodger, and remain with us indefinitely.Bruno offered to take illness away from us – but only if we ask him. He cannot take it otherwise. He stated that he cannot ‘steal it’ – as that would be unethical or dishonest….However, if we ask, if we make a request – then we may receive help and can be healed. It seems that the tokens, the photographs, work best in conjunction with the wishes of a conscious human being – so, our ‘asking’ may be a necessary interaction with the healing energy streaming out from the Bruno photographs, I have heard of people who have petitioned most persistently for help and assistance, (successfully) but I also hear that much repetition may not be necessary … I prefer to request help only once or twice for each suffering person and to repeat a plea only occasionally.      
 Bruno’s powers are almost incomprehensible to us, but he was ever benign, always helping people and ever willing to do so. Our human existence is wonderfully enriched by the shining example of his saintly life, and by the amazing photographs that he consciously provided for us to use, as tokens of the inexhaustible divine healing power.    

  I am everywhere and at all times…

     By this, I do not mean to say that I am God –

     No –  but just a little helper’                                                                                                                        

                                                                Bruno Gröning                                                                   
Jack Dempsey  2014