Heilungsberichte International

Heilungsberichte in unseren internationalen freien Gemeinschaften:


Heilung von chronischer Schlaflosigkeit


Fünfunddreißig Jahre lang litt ich an chronischer Schlaflosigkeit. Alles begann Mitte zwanzig und ein Arzt begann, Schlaftabletten zu verschreiben. Bald nahm ich doppelte Dosen Pillen ein, als sich mein Stoffwechsel an die Medikamente gewöhnte. Nachdem ich mich morgens zwei Jahre lang benommen gefühlt hatte, beschloss ich, von den Medikamenten zurückzutreten, aber es war zu spät, ich war süchtig und konnte ohne sie nicht schlafen.

Ich versuchte es dann mit Hypnosetherapie, und das funktionierte nur für die erste Nacht. Nachdem mir klar wurde, dass ich es mir nicht leisten konnte, alle zwei Tage hypnotisiert zu werden, ging ich zu einem anderen Arzt und bat ihn um Hilfe. Dann beschrieb er Beruhigungsmittel, milder als die Schlaftabletten, aber ich musste die doppelte Dosis einnehmen, um mindestens sechs Stunden zu schlafen. Bald gab ich den Versuch auf, aufzuräumen und gab mich damit ab, für immer Medikamente zu nehmen. Natürlich ist die Schlafqualität bei Drogen nicht das Gleiche wie eine natürliche Art, nachts abzuschalten.

25 Jahre später war es der Ärzteschaft aufgrund von Drogenmissbrauch verboten, Suchtmittel zu verschreiben, sofern dies nicht unbedingt erforderlich war. Dann begann mein Albtraum, als mir die Hilfe von Ärzten verweigert wurde und ich beschämend über sterbende Verwandte lügen musste, um Mitleid zu erregen und 20 Tabletten milde Beruhigungsmittel zu bekommen, aber als die Patienten in einen zentralen Computer gingen, wurde ich registriert und erhielt als Suchtpatient keine Schlafmittel mehr. 

Ich begann mit natürlichen Alternativen und es war ziemlich nutzlos, also funktionierte ich weitere zehn Jahre mit drei oder vier Stunden Schlaf und mein Gesundheitszustand verschlechterte sich rapide. Ich wurde anfällig für Infektionen, Erkältungen und Allergien und mein Energieniveau war am Boden.

Dann erfuhr ich von Bruno Gröning und besuchte eine Gemeinschaftsstunde in Oak Flats, NSW, und schlief in derselben Nacht sieben friedliche Stunden. Danach stellte ich mich auch zu Hause regelmäßig auf die Heilkraft ein und besuchte regelmäßig die Gemeinschaftsstunde, was  die Qualität der nächtlichen Ruhe täglich verbesserte.

Ich schlafe jetzt normal und habe Energie und Lebensfreude. Vorbei sind die Kopfschmerzen und die geistige Verwirrung. Ich danke Gott, dass er mir Bruno Gröning und seine Lehren auf den Lebensweg geführt hat.

Elisa R.


Heilung von Schmerzen im gebrochenen Bein


Zu Ostern 2007 bin ich von einer Leiter gefallen; tatsächlich ist die Leiter zusammengebrochen, als ich oben war. Das Ergebnis war, dass ich mir an zwei Stellen das rechte Bein gebrochen hatte. Für die Tibia waren 2 Stifte erforderlich, und für die Fibula waren eine Platte und 4 Stifte erforderlich.

Nach mehreren Monaten Physiotherapie, Akupunktur und Heilmassage hatte ich immer noch starke Schmerzen, Schwellungen, Bewegungseinschränkungen und Beschwerden (viel Hitze im Knöchel) im Bett. Ich musste tatsächlich schlafen, wobei mein Bein über der Seite des Bettes hing, ohne dass Bettwäsche darüber lag. Ich hinkte und stellte fest, dass mein ganzer Körper aufgrund der eingeschränkten Bewegung aus dem Gleichgewicht geriet.

Ich hatte nur etwa 40% bis 45% Knöchelbewegung.

Als ich zum Chirurgen zurückkam, erklärte er mir, dass ich in der Zeit ungefähr 80% bis 90% Bewegung bekommen sollte und es aufgrund der Menge des eingeführten Metalls immer ein wenig Unbehagen, Bewegungseinschränkungen und Schwellungen geben würde. Ein Weg, dies zu überwinden, könnte darin bestehen, die Stifte und die Platte entfernen zu lassen, aber es gab keine Garantie, und obwohl die Knochen erfolgreich geflickt waren, könnten sie erneut brechen!

Also ging ich ein wenig verwirrt heim und machte zu Hause weiter die Physiotherapie. Dies dauerte die nächsten 2 Jahre mit sehr geringer Besserung, weniger Schmerzen und einer Bewegung des Knöchels auf vielleicht 60% an einem guten Tag und weniger Schwellung und Hitze in der Nacht.

Dann ging ich am 19.04.09 zu einer Gemeinschaftsstunde von Bruno Gröning in Oak Flats. Obwohl ich mich während dieser Sitzung sehr entspannt, sorglos und gestärkt fühlte, kann ich nicht sagen, dass die Verbesserung meines Beines sofort eintrat, aber ich fühlte eine andere Art von Hitze im Knöchel, als ob ein kleiner elektrischer Strom durchfließen würde.


Während der dritten oder vierten Stunde bekam ich kleine Muskelkrämpfe und prickelnde Hitze, wie die Hitze von Trockeneis an meinem rechten Oberschenkel, Bein, Knöchel und Fuß.

Als ich mich zu Hause weiter einstellte, ging das weiter und  gelegentlich fühlte ich diesen “Strom” immer noch.
Inzwischen haben sich die Schmerzen zu einem leichten Unbehagen verringert, die Schwellung ist fast nicht mehr vorhanden, die Bewegung im Knöchel beträgt bis zu 95% und die Hitze in der Nacht ist so gut wie verschwunden.

Mein Körpergleichgewicht ist fast wieder normal und ich kann fast alle normalen Dinge tun, die ich davor nicht konnte, z. B.: Joggen am Strand, bücken oder hocken, um im Garten zu arbeiten oder das Auto zu reinigen.
Ziemlich banale Dinge, die man kennt, aber wenn du es eine Weile nicht gekonnt  hast, fühlt es sich nun sehr gut an.

Aufgrund dieser Verbesserung hat sich auch meine allgemeine Gesundheit verbessert und ich werde nicht mehr so schnell müde oder müde wie zuvor.
Wenn ich weiterhin die göttliche Kraft von Gott durch die Lehre von Bruno Gröning empfange, habe ich das Gefühl, dass meine Gesundheit nur besser werden kann. Ich segne den Tag, an dem meine Frau die Anzeige in der Lokalzeitung sah und wir nach Oak Flats, NSW fuhren und Peter und Petra trafen, die uns diese einfache, aber effektive Lehre vorstellten.


Help with Hand Injury

Maria Nuria S.

Bruno-Groening-Friends Illawarra

September 2012


 At the beginning of May 2012 I was in my kitchen preparing a salad . I was using a recently sharpened knife and when trying to extract the seed out of the avocado I was holding in my left hand, the blade went through the avocado and deep into the pad of my left hand at an angle so that it pierced the forefinger and almost went through it. Immediately I started bleeding profusely and I knew I had to get medical assistance.  I wrapped my hand tightly with a cloth trying to staunch the blood and got in my car with the intention of driving to a nearby local hospital, but I couldn’t hold the car’s steering wheel as I experienced pain and numbness in the injured hand. I then asked Bruno Groning for help.


 A neighbour of mine who was passing by, saw my bandaged hand and the painful expression on my face and after hearing what had transpired offered to drive me to the hospital himself. At the emergency department a doctor looked at my hand and injected a disinfectant fluid to different parts of the incision and gave me a tetanus injection. After the necessary bandaging he informed me that I had severed an artery and needed surgery. He then gave me a referral to a larger Public Hospital which had the necessary facilities required to carry out this type of operation.  Within two days from the accident I had surgery and several incisions were made on my hand in order to repair the severed artery which I was told connected to my cardiac muscle. Fourteen stitches were made in the shape of an M across the palm of my hand and I was told that since the nerve had been cut in the accident my hand would be numb for at least three months until it had time to re-grow again.


 That night I tuned-in to the Healing Stream asking Bruno for a speedy healing. Fourteen days later, the stitches were removed showing a smooth scar and 20 days later – I was able to show my hand to the friends in my group and they couldn’t see anything – only my daughter who was also there and myself knew that I have had surgery.


The best news of all was: that I also had the ability to flex my hand without any effort or pain and only felt a little numbness in the tips of my fingers when bending them.  Instead of waiting the stipulated three months minimum for normal movement and feeling to return to my injured hand, that had become possible in just 20 days. I’m convinced that my request to Bruno Groning for help has worked here as well as it has other times in the past. I Thank God and my friend Bruno for this wonderful help.

Healing from “grief after son’s death” and “broken tendons on both shoulders”

Nouria S., AustraliaN.S.W. , July 2010

 In August 2004 my son lost his life instantly in a car accident  and I was unable to accept this loss, I was consumed by grief and it did not get better with time, at times I thought it will be better if I was dead also and became prone to depressive moods and once I even contemplated suicide. My faith in God which I have always had didn’t help me in this instance, and nothing I did or experienced over the following 5 years could ever erase my deep suffering.

The same year of my son’s death I had a fall and broke the tendons in my right shoulder, in 2007 I broke the tendons in my left shoulder also This left me with restricted movement and pain after any kind of lifting or raising the arms.


In 2009, I was persuaded by a friend and went to an introduction to the teachings of Bruno Groening. I sat at the front row with my friend and as soon as I fixed my eyes on the picture of Bruno Groening I felt a strange feeling of warmth, this feeling intensified with time, I then became convinced that something was happening in my body and I asked Bruno Groening to release me from the grief over my son’s death, afterwards I started to sweat intensely until I was completely wet from top to bottom.

That night, I kissed my son’s photo as usual before going to bed, and for the first time in 5 years I didn’t feel deep heartache when looking at his dear face, I felt happy and free from the burden and I couldn’t comprehend it. Since then, I have been able to experience joy in life.


 In October 2009, I felt deep pain on my left shoulder while doing “einstellen” (absorbing the healing stream) in another session and since then I regained movement on that shoulder and the pain vanished, and in December of the same year my right shoulder became healed also.  I had never asked for the physical healings and yet those were granted to me as well.  I thank God for these blessings and for His son Bruno Groening who mediated for me, he; Bruno has became my life-saver and my friend forever, THANK YOU DEAR GOD!


Healing of “Simba” my dog

Healing from blocked and infected Anal Gland

Nouria S.Comm. Illawara. 2012

Approximately two years ago my now 10 years old dog Simba started to drag his bottom on the ground. This happened often and I first thought that he had worms but since he took an anti-worming compound every three months I decided to take it to the Veterinarian.


 After an examination I was told that the problem had nothing to do with worms but with his anal gland and to wait and see how it progressed.    I kept an eye on Simba and saw that he still dragged his bottom, but he ate well and was otherwise healthy, this continued until recently.


 10 days ago he started to bleed anally as well and I took him to a different vet who confirmed the early diagnosis indicating that surgery was necessary at this stage as the bleeding meant that his anal gland was blocked and infected and had to be removed.   I was a bit short of money, however the thought of my dog suffering prompted me to get an advance on my pension payments for the necessary amount.


 On Tuesday January 15th I booked my dog for the surgery which was to take place on the following Friday.   Since my introduction to the teaching of Bruno Gröning in 2009 I do Einstellen regularly and in the evenings, as soon as I position myself to take the Heilstrom my three pets come and sit near me as regular as clockwork and that night I did tuned-in for the 3 of us as usual, asking Bruno Groning especially for Simba and told my dog that Bruno was going to help him.


 When I arrived to the Veterinarian clinic on Friday January 18th. The vet did a preliminary examination before admitting Simba for the surgery and after checking and re-checking the area she said that the gland was back to normal and surgery was no longer necessary.


 The vet was mystified by this outcome and I was amazed by the fact that it had all vanished just before the surgery. I took my dog home feeling really happy knowing very well where the help had come from.


 My friend Bruno has helped my dear pet and protected my finances as well.   From the bottom of my heart I thank God and Bruno Groening for this healing.



Help and healing after intestinal obstruction and peritonitis :

Marie-France V., January 22, 2014,

Montreal, CANADA


For a long time I was told that my intestine was too long and I had to watch closely my diet, not to be constipated to avoid cramps. Usually these cramps manifested themselves when I was very stressed with either worries or unspoken disagreements. Keeping disagreements within, I knew, was my weakness.

In October 2013 I went to Spain for a spiritual gathering with Bruno Groening. While in Spain, I developed unbearable pain after severe constipation, comparable to contractions before delivery! I did not pay too much attention to the pain, thinking it was the onset of a strong “Regelungen” (regulation process). I waited in that state five days praying to God and asking Bruno, the group also prayed for me and I hung on without abandoning. On the plane, I could hardly breathe and I thought I was going to  have a heart attack . All along I prayed Bruno, Gisèle prayed too and Bruno was with us.

Upon arrival in Montreal I got admitted to Emergency and I was operated the same day.
I am a rebel and I have been very cautious towards traditional medicine for many years.  At the emergency room I let go my apprehensions and felt safe. I decided to put my trust in the entire hospital staff, I was no longer afraid. As if to comfort me in my decision, I felt the strong presence of Bruno and saw him standing by my stretcher, dressed in a plaid brown jacket.
Just before surgery, my friend Christina quickly slipped a photo of Bruno in my socks. Thanks Christina!


Under anesthesia, during the entire operation, I saw a magnificent spectacle. I saw a 180 ° panorama of golden colored sky, with golden earth, full of golden flowers. It was breathtaking! I was in a state of divine grace, serenity and ecstasy. A feeling of total happiness pervaded me, I felt like a child discovering a new toy. Infinite beauty appeared before my eyes!

My healing after the operation was not straight forward as I expected. After surgery, my healing was delayed considerably due to complications in clearing out internal infection in my abdomen. As the complications compounded, I was beginning to doubt profoundly my convictions. Did Bruno abandon me after all this? What was the purpose of all this? At one point, I was so discouraged, that I was ready to abandon everything with spirituality. But then again, I reasoned to myself, what did I have to lose?

After much reflection, I concluded this was a test.  So, I continued to pray, meditate, listen to inspiring music and always held the picture of Bruno in my hand. I felt supported by so many communities, friends and family here and abroad and I held on! I held on to Bruno, as if he was my ramp, while I fell in a steep bottomless vacuum. And the collateral help continued to grow. Despite my difficulties, I came across wonderful people: the nurses, the attendants, technicians performing CT scans and ultrasound, the doctors, and patients in my room. This is when I realised that I was still being helped by Bruno.


 Again, I thought I would heal faster than everyone. Alas it was not to be! After the operation, I could not breathe too well. An abscess was discovered under the diaphragm and they had to insert a drain. To ease the breathing, they had to remove 1.5 liters of water from around my left lung. The drain was removed and I was discharged. The oral antibiotic was not working and the abscess grew back.  10 days after I was hospitalized again to place a second drain! The universe was testing me! Over the Christmas holidays I was discharged with a drain, a half healed surgical wound and a pick line to administer a super strong antibiotics three times a day! This had to happen to me! I, who never believed in drugs! Finally the healing came on January 22 2014.




 My husband has completely changed. All his life he has been a workaholic. He now is very much in the moment, participating actively cooking, cleaning, very caring and he is more present in his relationship with me. Since we sold our property in France, my relationship with my sister was quite strained and we never spoke spontaneously on the phone in the last ten years. She called me on her own at the hospital and the relationship has now been healed.  I believe she was afraid to loose me. A close friend, who never spoke to me in the last five years after her husband’s passing away, is back to mend our friendship. A guide and a good friend, who initiated us to the Teaching of Bruno, came back to see me at the hospital. Our relationship was strained due to a difference of opinions.




 I had my doubts before, but this is certainly a “Regelungen”. Over the last 10 years I had problems with constipation due to a mechanical problem in my large intestine. Almost half of its length was not attached to the abdominal walls.  I did not know this. Through the surgical intervention the mechanical problem has been solved once for all. Bruno held my hand and brought me to the surgical solution, which I would have otherwise resisted, I am certain!   I am now aware that one must consult a doctor when in doubt. Bruno’s unconditional help is always there for support. I now take care of my emotions and I do not hold them within.  I express them when it’s time while maintaining my positive spirit.




 Throughout this experience, I realise, I was surrounded by love and prayers of my family, my close friends and kind souls from different groups of meditation in Canada and abroad. I was carried by each one of you, through your prayers and love to pass this test.   Thank you Bruno to have taken care of me, guiding me to the operation and bringing me back to life. I have learnt to let go my control! I have confidence in this life, my guides, Bruno and God!

Healing from a Stroke and follow ailments

Petra R. reports about her brother in law: Andreas R., Germany, 2012

Adreas R., my 49 year old brother in law, suffered from a stroke in September 2012. One morning, his supervisor found him (who for his (entire) life (time) is being thalidomide-disabled, in that his arms are very short, the legs normally developed) in a completely desolate state with disorientation and lying on the floor. She immediately called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital in the same place. Because of his disability, however, there was not much they could do for him there, and a short time later, he was flown by helicopter to a specialist clinic in Lippstadt. The way it looked, he could not speak, not move, and the doctors said that we would probably not see him again the way as we knew him. A three by three centimeters wide area in the brain was considered to being affected by a blood clot and one would have to expect the worst. We friends in our meditation group started off a (phone)call action, and all of us adjusted us firmly in favor of him, prayed very intensely to God for Andreas and asked Bruno Gröning for mediation during the night.

We visited Andreas in Lippstadt 5 days later. He was able to walk again without obstruction, yes even run. And he could speak again, even if he was searching one word or the other, when it did not occur to him right away.

This however, has likewise disappeared completely after a few weeks. He is fully recovered. The physicians are mystified. He told us that on the night after the attack, as we all prayed for him, the feeling in the limbs came back and everything in his head returned to normal. This is inexplicable from a medical point of view. Today, he functions again completely normal in all his movements, and in speech and comprehension during communication.


Andreas himself did not know anything about Bruno Gröning or his teaching and is not very interested in spiritual things, but he is very helpful with others. For that, we thank God from the core of our hearts and Bruno Gröning for help. THANK YOU!

Petra Ruether (the Admin.)